jude hunter

jude hunter

The only API stack you should be using


Okay okay, I know what you’re thinking – it doesn’t exist!

However, over the years, I’ve tried multiple Node.js back-end technology stacks, and I can finally say I’ve found a suitable one that will help you rapidly develop your projects.

Suffice to say, this article is opinionated.

The REST Framework

Why? I’ve extensively used both REST and GraphQL back-ends and I believe GraphQL is an overkill in most cases. While it’s great for scalability, it is not the fastest way to develop an API for your project.

My REST framework of choice is koa.js. Why? I believe it’s one of the best frameworks when it comes to quick development of your API, since it makes it extremely easy to go from the idea to the implementation.

The middleware stack is also very intuitive and relies on async/await.

I also feel it’s a lot better than Express and generally more lightweight.


Why? It is an extremely good and easy way to make your API type safe and develop more rapidly in the long run. It has saved me a lot of headaches and I could not live without its IntelliSense suggestions.

You’ll also see that using TypeScript enables us to easily integrate TypeORM into our project.

ESLine & Prettier

Why? Consistency goes a long way. ESLint makes sure you and your co-workers don’t yell at each other over code that - in their opinion - is not properly formatted. It can also track things like unused variables/imports and usages of let instead of const.

You can forget about formatting your code to make it more readable with Prettier. Set it to auto format on save, preferably. Thank me later 🙂

The Database

This depends on your use case. However, there are only two database types you should care about - relational and document-based databases.

As your project grows, you’ll probably have certain relations between your entities. And thus, you should most likely use a relational database, like MySQL or PostgreSQL (which is my database of choice).


Why? TypeORM is an Object-Relational Mapping library for typescript (and babel), which basically means you don’t have to deal with raw SQL and you can use certain utilities, like automatic relation joining.

The reason why TypeORM is so interesting is the fact that it uses decorators for entity synchronization. What that means is you won’t have to use migrations in your development environment.

Instead, you define a class and decorate it:

class User {
  id: string;

  // automatic type detection thanks to reflection!
  name: string;

  // automatic date columns!
  createdAt: Date;

TypeORM then uses that class to migrate the database and to make IntelliSense suggestions based on the fields.

Why not? Frankly, TypeORM is not beginner friendly, largely due to the docs being quite horrible. However, when you get a hang of it and use IntelliSense to your advantage, it becomes an incredibly powerful tool.

Git Flow and friends

Why? This is a certain philosophy/workflow/strategy that works particularly well when working with git in teams. It defines what branches should be used for certain things, like features, releases, hotfixes.

Why not? Git Flow is often criticized for its bulkiness. As you go, you might want to adapt a lighter strategy or even come up with your own.

File structure

I came up with a file structure that works well with this particular technology stack:

├── entities
│   └── User.ts
├── modules
│   ├── module-name
│   ├── module-name.router.ts
│   ├── module-name.service.ts
│   └── module-name.spec.ts
├── mw
├── utils
└── app.ts

└── test-name.e2e.ts

Going from the top:

  • The entities folder is where you should store your TypeORM entities
  • The modules folder holds the different modules of your application (inspired by NestJS). For instance, an auth module may have a router that has a /auth/facebook route which in turn calls the authWithFacebook() function in the service file. It’s important the router handles the HTTP stuff, and the service deals with pure data. This way, your unit tests (.spec.ts) can call the service directly. Additionally, your routes should - most of the time - be prefixed with the module name.
  • The mw folder is where you should store your custom middleware. You could also use the utils folder for this.
  • The utils folder is pretty much every other function that doesn’t fit anywhere else.
  • The e2e folder stores the end-to-end tests.

This workflow has proven most successful for my projects and is great for rapid development.

Happy coding! 🎉

Thanks for reading.
jude hunter
Front-end engineer, advocate of free-as-in-freedom software and an active social progressivist
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by jude hunter ©
legal name: Mateusz Sowinski-Smetny